Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It is SO CLOSE!!

I'm a little more excited as the day approaches. Tonight I took advantage of free time while the boys were at VBS. I walked 4 miles in 72 minutes. I did the first 2 miles in 33 minutes and the 2nd 2 miles in 39 minutes. That was walking by myself with only my music. I'm thinking that is pretty good without an adrenaline rush and no one else to walk with and it was 85 degrees. I felt good when I got done to top it off. If I can come close to that pace on Saturday I'm thinking that I can come close to finishing the 1/2 marathon in 3 hours which is one of my new goals.

I am so grateful to have so many family and friends that are supporting me through this!! The next 2 days I am focusing on hydration and getting plenty of water in me so I can sweat it all away on Saturday in the 95+ degree weather.

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