Monday, June 13, 2011


The title completely describes how I'm feeling at the moment. The final week leading up to the 1/2 marathon. I am completely unsure about myself and whether I can do this 1/2 marathon. I'm scared to death that I'm going to make a fool of myself and not even make it a few miles let alone the whole 13 miles. I'm also nervous about the whole venture in general. I want all of my "positive" feelings to overwhelm me this week.

My life has always had stumbling blocks especially when it comes to important things or events. Due to the flooding the 1/2 marathon got postponed. I had mixed feelings because I was excited but then thought maybe an extra month would be good. During all of this my youngest graduated from Murray State University and got married all within 7 days. So I got off track with working out then I haven't felt up to par over the last month either. I'm going to contribute some of that to the weather changes. Stumbling blocks are never easy to conquer but I'm determined to not let these stand in my way. So this week not only do I continue to physically prepare but I'm trying to mentally prepare for my big event on Saturday.

The organizers have decided to start the 1/2 marathon 1 hour earlier than originally scheduled in May which is 6:30am because of the heat. I think this will really help because the race has a 4 hour time limit which means everyone has to be done by 10:30am.

My goals for the race on Saturday are short and sweet.
1) To actually participate
2) To complete the course
3) To finish within the 4 hour time limit
4) To not be last

My extra goals:
** That I am done in 3 hours when they have the awards ceremony.
** That I make my family proud.
** That I am glad that I participated after finishing.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week as I finalize my preparations to overcome more than just a race at the end of this week.

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