Monday, March 28, 2011

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day today. It was chilly but the sun was shining bright and the sunset was awesome! I was ready to hit my workout tonight. It went pretty well. My endurance seems to be improving as I seem to be able to hold the speed longer throughout. I managed to do 3.05 miles in 60.06 minutes and burned 293 calories doing it. My blood pressure and heart rate afterwards was still great as it was 122/45 and 98. Tomorrow I won't be doing any walking as I will be experiencing my first time at Zumba. Hopefully I will be able to drive home after my intense hour workout. I'm excited to add something new. I'm going to try and workout every day this week. I will have to wait and see how I feel on Wednesday after the Zumba but hoping I can at least get some walking in. Got to get to bed so I can get rest for that Zumba tomorrow.

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