Friday, March 25, 2011

WOW! What a workout!

I was ready to workout tonight. I was excited how well I did last night. I thought I could push it a little more tonight. Why not? So I managed to burn 300 calories as I walked 3.15 miles in 60 minutes & 10 seconds. My blood pressure & heart rate afterwards not bad at all, 111/75 & 89. I think this workout thing is agreeing with me at the moment anyway. I got to thinking once I got done. 1/2 marathon is 13.1 miles and if I can do 3 miles in 60 minutes that mean if I could keep the same pace today and participate tomorrow 12 miles in 4 hours would be close. I would have to make up 1.1 miles. My thought behind all of this is that I still have 6 weeks of workout before the race meaning my goal is definitely very reachable! That gets me even more excited!

Paul made the mistake tonight on the way home from Paducah during a discussion saying to me "if you do that marathon in"..... I had to stop him. I don't even remember what the conversation was about only because he used the word "IF". I told him to re-word to "when" I do the marathon.... He did change the sentence. Again don't remember what it was about. Still have doubt on this side of the block that I can't do it. hmmmmm....... Hopefully this weekend I will become an officially registered participant.

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