Monday, March 28, 2011

New Week ~ Looking Forward

I'm looking forward to the new week. New plans for my workouts. I'm going to add some extras. I'm going to do some outside and I'm going to join some friends doing Zumba a couple times a week on top of my work outs. Hopefully it will add to my endurance levels. Tonight was fair with a few interruptions. I was able to get 2.54 miles in 52 minutes and 14 seconds and burn 247 calories. My blood pressure and heart were great afterwards @ 123/77 & 87. I was able to run more tonight in my workout which I liked. I hated having to stop before I was really ready but nature was calling at the most inconvenient time I decided it was the perfect stopping time. Again the exercise has made me feel better physically as in I'm sleeping better and I feel better about myself. Thanks to everyone for the positive thoughts and comments.

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